Simple Resume Format for Freshers: Best, Simple Examples for Jobs

Simple Resume Format for Freshers and simple examples are best for jobs. First-year students must create a captivating CV to stand out in the competitive job market. Although they may not have much job experience, their academic accomplishments, projects, talents, and internships can demonstrate their potential to potential employers. The following paragraphs provide an example of a resume format that may be modified to suit various job applications. They follow this with an uncomplicated and practical framework developed to cater to employees starting their careers: simple resume format template format and styling details how to access.

Simple Resume Format for Freshers.

Simple Resume Format for Freshers
Simple Resume Format for Freshers

1 Simple Resume Format for Freshers

1. Header

  • Full Name
  • Contact Information: Email and Phone Number
  • LinkedIn Profile or Personal Website (if applicable)

2. Career Objective or Summary

  • A brief statement that outlines your career goals and highlights your strengths and qualifications.

3. Educational Background

  • Start with the most recent degree or ongoing education.
  • Include the degree, institution, graduation date (or expected graduation date), and location.
  • Mention your GPA; it’s solid and relevant.

4. Internship Experience

  • Include any internships relevant to the job you’re applying for.
  • For each internship, list the company name, role, duration, and a brief description of your responsibilities and achievements.

5. Projects

  • Highlight significant academic or personal projects.
  • Include the project title, a brief description, technologies used, and your specific contributions.

6. Technical and Soft Skills

  • List technical skills relevant to the job, such as programming languages, software proficiency, and tools.
  • Mention soft skills like communication, teamwork, problem-solving, and adaptability.

7. Certifications (if any)

  • Include any relevant certifications that enhance your job application.

8. Extra-Curricular Activities

  • Mention leadership roles, club memberships, and other activities demonstrating your soft skills and interests outside of academics.

9. Hobbies and Interests

  • Briefly list hobbies or interests that reflect positively on your personality or relate to the job.

10. Reference” s

  • “Available upon request.” (Unless the employer specifically requests it, you do not need to list references on a resume.)

2 Simple Resume Format for Freshers


  • Name: Jane Smith
  • Contact Information: Email:; Phone: +1234567890; LinkedIn:

Career Objective: Simple Resume Format for Freshers Please consider me for the software developer post at [Company Name]. I am an enthusiastic computer science graduate looking to use my academic knowledge and proactive approach to secure the position. I am happy to use my programming expertise and enthusiasm for technology to contribute to Yoteam’s success.

Educational Background

  • Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, University of Technology, City, State | Graduated May 2023
    • GPA: 3.8/4.0

Internship Experience

  • Software Developer Intern, Tech Innovations Inc., City, State, June 2022–August 2022
    • It developed a feature in the company’s flagship product that improved user engagement by 15%.
    • She collaborated with the UI/UX team to redesign the workflow, enhancing the overall user experience.


  • Personal Finance Tracker App (Python, Flask, SQLite) | Jan 2023–April 2023
    • Designed and implemented a web application to help users track and analyse their spending habits.
    • We have integrated third-party APIs for real-time financial data updates.

Technical Skills

  • Languages: Python, Java, and C++
  • Tools: Git, Docker, and Jenkins
  • Frameworks: Flask, React

Soft Skills

  • Strong analytical and problem-solving abilities.
  • Excellent communication and teamwork skills.
  • Highly adaptable and eager to learn new technologies.


  • Certified Java Programmer, Oracle, March 2023

Extra-Curricular Activities

  • Vice President, Computer Science Club, University of Technology, 2021-2023
  • Organiser, Tech Hackathon | September 2022

Hobbies and Interests

  • Developing open-source software
  • Participating in hackathons

References are available upon request.

Simple Resume Format for Freshers: The resume format intends to be easily adaptable for every job application filed during the application process. It is made to be easily adaptable, even though I have only limited experience in the working sector. Specifically, it highlights the talents and experiences that differentiate you as a candidate who is both instrumental and distinctive simultaneously.

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