How to Write a Leave Extension Letter

How to Write a Leave Extension Letter?

How to Write a Leave Extension Letter In today’s Time. You never know what calm situations might happen during your work schedule. It can happen anytime. While working in the corporate world, one must write an application for leave. Taking some time off from work may be a formal way to explain your purpose to your Manager or workplace.

What is a Leave extension letter?
A leave extension is written by a person who is already inactive. However, due to unforeseen circumstances, there is a need for an extension for a particular period. You’ll extend your holiday thanks for any reason. It might be some emergency personal commitments or other reasons. Such a letter may be a formal document to update the employer that you won’t return to the office on the predetermined date.

Tips for writing a leave extension letter:

There are some specific points to consider when writing for an extension of leaves.

  • Use formal and polite language.
  • Give the date expected to return.
  • Be brief about the rationale for the extension
  • Express your gratitude beforehand
  • I apologize for the inconvenience
  • Demonstrate professionalism and sincerity
  • Leave Extension Letter Samples
  • Below are the Sample Leave Extension letter application forms

Application for Leave Extension Letter.


The Manager,

Subject: Leave extension thanks to my parent’s ill health

Dear Sir,

I discussed this in my earlier leave application. I’m the sole child of my parents affected by illness nowadays. So, I had to drop my parents off for 3 Days to go to the nearest hospital for their Checkup. The doctors have diagnosed that my parents are affected by viral fever. So, they must suggest complete bed rest and proper medical aid reception.

Unfortunately, nobody else requires care of the reception during such deprived hours. Hence, I shall be very thankful to you for extending my leave for 2 Weeks so that both of my parents could get my suitable attention and medical aid reception.

I am thankful for your priceless Time and thoughtful deliberation.


Manoj Kumar

Leave an Extension for a Health Problem.

An application for an extension of leave is essential if an employee wishes to extend his leave—a letter Extending exit in case of illness, injury, or accident where there is no improvement. Extended leave may be required as a template for leaving leave extensions for sick or injured workers.

Contact your company’s human resources department before writing a leave of absence or applying for a leave of absence. Check your staff manual for leave measures and contact the Human Resources department to ensure you take the necessary steps. You can also write a letter or e-mail your direct supervisor to request a meeting to discuss applying for a leave of absence.

If you need a more extended break from work, you can apply for a leave of absence from your employer. Workers’ usual paid Time off can be used for short-term absences, sick days, and leave, while long-term absence exceeds your departure. In addition, if you are an employee on parental leave, you can request an extension of unpaid parental leave for up to 12 months.

Application for Leave Extension Letter.

Manager HR,

(Company Name)

Location Address,

Subject: Application for Leave Extension

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am saying this with regret that I used to be inactive for a few days, but the difficulty of being on vacation remains unsettled. I’m performing on the case, and it’ll be determined soon. However, it needs more days; please grant me leave for four more days. I’ll be very grateful to you for this type of activity. I appreciate any assistance you can provide.


Swabia Dabar

Conclusion: Informing your employer about these circumstances is critical to decreasing the difficulty. Ensure that you place such an invitation forward early to make proper arrangements.

This article gives instructions on how to write a professional letter to extend your holiday, asking for a few more days during your current holiday period. Would you please inform the administration that my three-month maternity leave has an estimated start and end date? My gynaecologist advised me to rest for a week and requested that my maternity leave be extended.

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