Iqama Check

How to Iqama Check in Saudi Arabia

Iqama Check if you need a work pass or ID card to work or live in Saudi Arabia. Checking your iqama status is just as crucial as checking your visa and passport. Also, it would be best if you double-checked everything related to it. Also, Officials in Saudi Arabia have hit people whose Iqama accounts have been closed.

How do Iqama check the status?

The Saudi government has technology that makes it easier to track the Iqama’s standing online.

This article will walk you through the steps to check the status of the Iqama.

Step by step. You will also learn the following:

What is Iqama?

How do I check my Iqama status online?

How do you renew your Iqama on the Internet?

WHAT IS IQAMA? Iqama Check.

Iqama is comparable to a work permit the Saudi Arabian government issues with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s permission. People from outside Saudi Arabia can live and work there. Also, the Ministry of the Interior provides national employment, ID cards, and a government work permit.

A company in the Kingdom must sponsor a person to obtain an Iqama card. Who applies on the employee’s behalf within 90 days of his arrival. Also, the Saudi Arabian Ministry of Labour and Social Development takes 3 to 4 weeks to approve an Iqama.


Check the Iqama status. You cannot live or work within Saudi Arabia without an Iqama, the identification you use. We will explain the import of Iqama to Saudi Arabia. Also, display how you can verify its status. The Saudi Arabian Ministry of Interior allows UK expatriates to verify their Iqama online. Users can now access information on computers and mobile devices.

1. Find your Iqama number.

The Iqama ID will include a number order. It may be on the page, in the middle, or under your picture. Also, you can use your Iqama number to find you on the Saudi Arabian Ministry of Interior’s website.

2. Checking the Status of Iqama

These simple steps will enable you to check your Iqama app status.

1. Visit the Saudi Arabian Ministry of Interior’s website.

2. Since you cannot understand Arabic, change from Arabic to UK English.

3. In the menu tabs, cross to Passports from the menu tab “Passports” area.

4. In the drop-down menu, choose “Query Iqama Expiry Service.”

5. Select individualized e-services.

6. Create your login credentials. Then, log in with your username and password and your Iqama number.

7. You could be asked to provide a verification code. You receive text messages to the registered number on your phone.

8. Choose Query Iqama Expiry Service from the drop-down menu.

9. View it after clicking And entering your Iqama number. The code comes randomly.

10. It will show the status of the validity of your Iqama.

3. Verifying the Validity of Your Iqama Check

The colour of the dates will tell you if your Iqama is still good or has expired. If your Iqama is red, it will no longer work. An Iqama that has passed is a big problem that could lead to hefty fines. Your employer must update your Iqama just a few days before it runs out.


The big company had to pay its workers a lot of money. It could cost as much as SAR 700 (about EUR 137) and a fee of SAR 8,400 (about EUR 1920) to SAR 9,600 (about EUR 2195). On top of the cost of the Iqama, you have to pay for the work permit as well. On average, health insurance costs SAR 500, about EUR 114. The average amount that big and medium-sized businesses spend on foreign workers yearly is SAR 10,000 (EUR 2,286).

Once you talk to your HR staff at work, you can start the renewal process online and finish it in a day. You can visit the Ministry of Interior’s website and search under Passports. Also, look under the “Passports” section for Iqama Renewal.

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